
All students MUST have a concussion form on file in order to participate in any of our Clubs & Activities listed here.  Concussion forms were handed out at the beginning of the school year by students' Physical Education teachers and were to be returned to that same teacher as well.  If you are unaware if you filled one out, you can print a copy of the Concussion Form here or have your child stop in the Attendance office to pick one up.

Fall Clubs/Activities:
Cross Country (Sept start)
Disc Golf (Oct start)
Drama Club (Nov start)
Flag Football (Oct start)
Forensics (Oct start)
Pixel Adventurer's Club (Oct start)
Robotics (Sept start)
Sign Language Club (Sept start)
Student Council (Sept start)
Volleyball (Oct start)
Wrestling (Oct start)
Yearbook (Sept start)

Winter Clubs/Activities:
Archery (Dec start)
Art Club (Jan start)
Ski/Snowboarding Club (Dec start)

Spring Clubs/Activities:
SoccerTrack and Field