Contact Information:
Mr. Bowen
Mr. Circa
Informational Meeting
Monday, October 23rd
What is Disc Golf?
Disc golf is one of the fastest-growing outdoor activities. Similar to golf, the goal of disc golf is to complete each hole in as few throws, or strokes, as possible. The basic rules and lingo in disc golf are similar to those of traditional golf. In fact, if you eavesdropped on a conversation between a ball golfer and a disc golfer, you wouldn't know they were talking about different sports because they would both use terms like course, hole, par, bogey, and birdie.
Instead of using golf clubs and a golf ball, disc golfers use a flying golf disc to cross the hole. Each hole starts with a teeing area and is completed once the disc lands in the "hole," aka disc-catching target. While disc golf can be played with just one disc, the discs are designed to fly with different characteristics. Different discs can be used to hook and curve around obstacles, roll on the ground, or fly over trees.