What will my child learn?

Children enrolled in the School District of Waukesha 4K program learn about the world through play. Research has shown that young children learn best through active, hands-on experiences. In other words, children learn by doing. Play provides the foundation for academic learning. 

In addition to daily whole-group and small-group mini-lessons, teachers organize and structure play centers so that standards from all areas are embedded in most if not all activities. Center play gives children the opportunity to be in charge of their own learning. 

What curriculum is used?

The School District of Waukesha has created a set of goals for 4K students. The 4K Goals are based on the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. Children learn many new skills during the school year, including a major focus on social and emotional development. A large part of the 4K program is play and learning is fostered during the children’s playtime. This time allows the children to interact with one another. There is much exploration and growth that occurs during play.


Handwriting Without Tears, Interactive Read Aloud, Interactive Writing, Small Group

4K Interactive Read Alouds Overview


Play Workshop

Playworkshop Books


Origo, Small Group


Second Step

5 Pillars of Social Emotional Learning in 4K

Will parent-teacher conferences be offered?

Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for twice a year. Each teacher meets with the parent/guardian to discuss their child’s progress and to answer any questions.

What are the eduational requirements for 4K Teachers?

All school district and community partner sites teachers must meet Department of Public Instruction (DPI) regulations, including classes taught by a DPI licensed early childhood teacher.

Will my child be formally assessed in 4K?

Children are formally assessed three times a year using the FastBridge assessment. FastBridge earlyReading is an assessment of essential early reading skills.

4K Students will be assessed with these earlyReading assessments:

English: 1) Concepts of Print, 2) Onset Sounds, 3) Letter Names, 4) Letter Sounds

Spanish: 1) Concepts of Print, 2) Onset Sounds, 3) Syllable Reading, 4) Letter Sounds

How will information be provided each child's development?

4K report cards include a child's progress in the areas of Literacy, Math, and Social Emotional development. Each child's overall development will be monitored through interactions, observations, and assessments by the teacher. Report Cards will be available Through Infinite Campus at the end of first semester in January and the end of second semester in June.

How can I prepare for 4K?

It is important for our 4K students to become independent at school and at home. At school, we work on teaching the children to put their outside clothes by themselves, bathroom/wash their hands on their own, cleaning up their own food at lunch/snack, etc. It is helpful to practice and encourage this home. This independence promotes self-confidence.