4K Family Engagement

Family visits

Families will meet with their child’s teacher in August/September to set up a home or school visit to get to know you and your child before the start of school.

Family visits are:

  • An opportunity for teachers to learn about your child’s interests and strengths. Teachers value the knowledge and insights you can share about your child.

  • A chance to share the goals you have for your child while they are in 4K.

  • A way to have one-on-one time with your child’s teacher, build a partnership and open lines of communication.

  • A chance to ask any questions or share concerns you may have.

  • An opportunity for teachers to work together with you to support the development of your child.

4K Curriculum Night

4K Curriculum Night

This event should focus on sharing information about the curriculum and learning targets for all children attending SDW 4K. Sessions regarding education of emergent writing, games/activities families can engage with their children at home for reading, math and social emotional growth should be included.

Cookies from Santa

Cookies From Santa


Week of the Young Child

Spring into Summer

Art in the Park

Pizza Polka Art in the Park