Operations & Finance KPI
Goal: Maintain a minimum unassigned Fund 10 - Fund Balance (FB) of 15% per Board Policy 6235.
Fund balance is intended to allow the District to address cash flow management needs, avoid cash flow borrowing & the related interest expense, insure that a high bond rating is maintained, and have reserves on hand to address unexpected financial challenges.

Goal: Maintain a Strong Debt Management Program per Board Policy 6147.
From time to time, SDW may be in a position to consider borrowing funds for certain projects or other obligations. Though each borrowing scenario is different, Board Policy 6147 provides a set of shared objectives upon which the decision(s) will be based.
A bond rating, along with the annual audit, is an independent evaluation of how a school district is managing its fiduciary responsibilities. SDW’s goal is to maintain a bond rating of at least an S&P AA or the equivalent.

Goal: Assign 2.5% of the Operational Budget to the Maintenance Program.
In the summer of 2021, the District began work on a full facility evaluation for the elementary grade level and identifying building safety, structural and mechanical system(s) needs.
To fund these improvements, SDW will continue to investigate funding options and will seek to budget 2.5% of the annual operational budget for the maintenance of SDW facilities (fund 41 levy divided by the total fund 10 expenditure budget).

Goal: Assign an average of 75% of the Operational Budget for District staffing.
Being service providers, school districts spend, on average, 75-80% of their operational budget on staffing.