Teaching & Learning - Key Performance Indicators

Goal: Rank #1 on DPI Report Card among the 10 largest districts in Wisconsin

At the foundation of Wisconsin’s state accountability system are the school and district report cards, which annually report on the performance of all public schools and districts, including charter schools.

Goal: 100% of schools "Meets Expectations" or higher on DPI report card

Within each Report Card, the District or school is given a rating. The ratings range from fails to meet expectations to significantly exceeds expectations

T&L KPI Goal 2

Goal: 80% of Students will have a 2.8 GPA when they graduate

Students who graduate HS with at least a 2.8 GPA are considered one step closer to college and career readiness.

T&L KPI Goal 3

Goal: The ACT composite will be one point above the state average

The ACT benchmark scores are associated with specific predicted grades in corresponding college courses.

T&L KPI Goal 4

Goal: Percent proficient or advanced on the state Forward Exam will increase in ELA to 45% and in Math to 46%

Online assessment for grades 3-8 to gauge how well students are doing in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards.

T&L KPI Goal 5

Goal: Percent proficient or advanced in third grade ELA will increase to 50%

A student’s third grade reading level is the foundation for learning and correlates with all future educational performance.

T&L KPI Goal 6

Goal: Meet or exceed State Goal for On Track to English Proficiency/Bilingualism measured by Access Test

The measure of students on track to English proficiency will illuminate our success as a system in ensuring accessible and scaffolded content instruction and English language development.

T&L KPI Goal 7

Last Revised: November 15, 2022