
Parking Permit

Parking Permits are available for purchase on a daily, semester, or yearly basis.  All other student fees & fines must be paid to be eligible for a parking permit.  The cost is:

  • $5/daily

  • $100/Semester

  • $200/Year

Please fill out the online Parking Application Form

  • All student parking spaces will be assigned

  • If you fill out the parking application online and pay online, your student can pick up their parking pass from Mrs. Bonell in the main office.

  • SENIORS ONLY - Seniors who fill out the Parking Permit Application, pay all other student fees and fines, and pay the $200 parking fee for both semesters ($100 Parking Fee - 1st Sem & $100 Parking Fee - 2nd Sem) by August 27th will be put into a random lottery and assigned the best student parking spots available on campus starting with the senior lot  

  • All other students will also receive an assigned parking spot # which will be indicated on the back of their parking permit.  

  • All students must park in their assigned parking space.  

  • Parking Application Form