Board of Education
The nine-member Board of Education in Waukesha meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Agendas are available in Board Docs.
Community members are welcome to attend these open meetings. An opportunity for citizen input takes place near the beginning of the meeting, before the business portion of the agenda.
In addition, there are five standing Board of Education committees that meet regularly. These committees are:
Finance & Facilities Committee
Description: Decision-making related to budget planning; service contracts; building maintenance issues; capital projects; maintenance/custodial staff; transportation; and all other financial issues in the school district. (Learn More)
Human Resources & Compensation Committee
Description: Decision making related to hiring/teacher contracts; group employee contracts; employee leaves of absence, resignations, retirements; job descriptions; and all other employment issues in the school district. (Learn more)
Policy & Government Relations Committee
Description: Decision making related to school district policies, involving routine review of current policies; development of new policies; and monitoring of state statutes impacting school district policies. (Learn more)
Student Services Committee
Description: Decision-making related to a variety of topics critical to our students' learning experience. These topics include but are not limited to counseling and psychology, family communications, and Special Education. (Learn more)
Teaching & Learning Committee
Description: Decision making related to textbooks/supplementary materials; course development; graduation requirements; testing and assessment; and all other curriculum and instruction issues in the school district. (Learn more)
Committee agendas are also posted in BoardDocs, which will include the date, time, and location. Contact the superintendent's office at 262-970-1012 with questions relating to full board or committee meetings.
The board and committee meetings can be seen live on the school district's Ustream station on the District TV Page or posted to the "Waukesha School District TV" YouTube channel the day after they are broadcast.