Student Fees

State statutes allow school districts to charge fees to offset the cost of textbooks, workbooks, and consumable supplies such as paper. In accordance with state statutes, the Board of Education will establish certain reasonable student fees for book rental (and/or usage), materials, activities, student parking fees, pay-to-ride program, lunches, curricular and co-curricular activities, field trips, driver education program and any other course material fees. The District does have a policy to waive fees for students qualifying under the McKinny-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.

Elementary - Annual Registration/Book Fee

Pre-K:   $25.00
Elementary (5K - 5):  $60.00

Secondary - Annual Registration/Book Fee

Grades 6 - 8:  $60.00
Grades 9- 12:  $90.00

Misc. Fees

Technology Fee (Gr. 4K-12):  $25.00

Athletic Fee:  $150.00

Student Parking:
$100.00 per semester
$5.00 per day

"Pay to Ride" Transportation:
$260.00 per year (round trip)
$35.00 for each additional student