Patt DeLeon

We are excited to share two administrative changes that will happen at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.

First, West High School Principal Ryan Patt will become the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services effective July 1, 2024. His strong leadership of West will continue through the 2023-24 school year before he transitions to district-level leadership.

Ryan has served in various capacities while working in education. He began his teaching career at West Allis Central High School and taught for eight years then also serving as the Dean of Students there for one year. In 2009, Mr. Patt was then hired as an Assistant Principal at Waukesha West and moved into the role of Principal in 2016. Ryan has been Principal at Waukesha West for the last seven years. 

We asked Ryan why he was passionate about staying in Waukesha, and he said, "When I was fortunate to become an Assistant Principal at Waukesha West, we moved to Waukesha as a family to put our roots down here. We are passionate about staying here because this is a vibrant area that values education and provides numerous opportunities for families to learn and grow together! It is a wonderful place to raise a family, and we are thankful to be part of the community!"

Second, Hawthorne Principal Taheréh DeLeón will become the next West High School Principal, effective July 1, 2024. We look forward to her bringing her strong leadership skills to the high school level.

Taheréh is a Waukesha native and attended Blair Elementary, Butler Middle School, and is a Waukesha North High School - Class of 2000 graduate.

Taheréh taught Dual Language at Blair for seven years before being named the Dean of Students there for five years. 

Taheréh was Principal at Whittier Elementary School for the 2018-2019 school year, and moved to Hawthorne where she is currently in her fifth year as Principal.

When asked why she was passionate about staying in Waukesha, she said: 

"For the past 18 years, Waukesha has become my professional home. Nurturing young minds, guiding them through their formative years, and witnessing their growth has fueled an unwavering passion for education that extends beyond the classroom.

While my experience lies in elementary education, the opportunity to contribute at the high school level excites me. Engaging with young adults at a pivotal stage in their lives, helping them navigate adolescence, and preparing them for the future is a challenge I welcome.

Leading a high school in Waukesha presents a unique opportunity to blend my passion for education, my commitment to the community, and my role as a Latina leader. Additionally, my bilingualism allows me to connect with and support families from diverse backgrounds, including Spanish-speaking families. I understand their unique needs and challenges and am equipped to advocate for their children's success and help them reach their full potential.

However, my vision extends beyond individual contributions. I am excited by the prospect of working alongside the dedicated and committed educators who call Waukesha their home. These are individuals who, like me, understand the transformative power of education and are passionate about shaping the future of our young adults. Together, we can create a collaborative and supportive environment where ALL students can thrive.”