Classes resume from the Winter Break tomorrow (Thursday, January 2, 2025.) We look forward to seeing you all!

Attention current & potential SDW parents and guardians. Middle School information nights for Butler MS, Horning MS, and Les Paul MS are coming up for current 5th-grade students.
- Parents and guardians only (no need to RSVP.)
- Those interested in STEM: Middle School are encouraged to visit their website and attend a tour. https://sdw.waukesha.k12.wi.us/.../enrollment-application

Happy Custodian Appreciation Day!

Summer School Registration opens March 20th at 9:00 a.m. Course guides are available on the district website. Visit https://sdw.waukesha.k12.wi.us/page/summer-school

Congratulations to Malena Koplin!
Malena was honored at the WEMTA annual conference on Monday, March 4th, as the recipient of this year's Excellence Award for her contributions to WEMTA and the library media and technology profession.
The Wisconsin Educational Media & Technology Association (WEMTA) is an independent professional association serving school library media and instructional technology professionals. It is committed to providing leadership and professional growth opportunities to promote quality learning and information access and meet the needs of our educational community.

Celebrating School Counselors Week - February 5-9, 2024! #waukeshaproud #NSCW24

Attention incoming middle school families! You’re invited to come and learn about the middle school experience!
This informational session will provide families with information around what to expect in middle school regarding the daily schedule, course offerings, grading, and so much more! Your child is welcome to attend as well! #waukeshaproud

Reminder that fall parent-teacher conferences are coming up!

All 4K families are invited to attend the 4K Curriculum Information Night! #waukeshaproud

Last year, the School District of Waukesha celebrated three of our excellent teachers who were recognized as Kohl Teacher Leaders (Kristin Cudzewicz, Allyson Gonzalez, and Allison Schamburek), as well as Tahereh DeLeon, who was a recipient of the Kohl Principal Leadership award.
There is still time to get your nominations in for the 2024 Awards! Applications close on October 3, 2023.
To nominate a teacher, visit: https://www.kohleducation.org/teacherfellowship/public/nominate_a_teacher.php
Or to nominate a principal, visit: https://www.kohleducation.org/principalleadership/public/nominate.php

Today is a special observance day in Wisconsin. September 11, 2001, is a day that holds profound significance in our nation's history. We want to take a moment to remember and honor the lives that were lost and the indomitable spirit that emerged in the face of adversity.
This day serves as a solemn occasion to pay tribute to the victims, survivors, and heroes such as law enforcement officers and firefighters who demonstrated unparalleled courage and unity during those challenging times.

It's an incredible day! Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year! #waukeshaproud

We LOVE our View Crew! Back To School ready 🦅

Do you know what Destination Imagination is? Tonight is the perfect time to learn all about it! Summit View Elementary School is holding its first-ever Destination Imagination event. You can learn about DI, try an instant challenge, and watch their performances.

After reviewing the latest forecast from the National Weather Service, the SDW will be closed today, February 22. There is high confidence for two plus inches of sleet and ice later this morning into the afternoon that may cause travel conditions to deteriorate quickly.
Additionally, there will be no after-school activities, and we will continue to watch the weather forecast for Thursday.

Reminder, February 16 is an Early Release day and there is no school on February 17th. Enjoy your long weekend!

Celebrating National School Counseling Week. Thank you Amanda DeSua. Amanda works at Bethesda Elementary, Hadfield Elementary, Hawthorne Elementary, Summit View Elementary, and STEM: Randall Campus, helping students dream big! #NSCW23 #waukeshaproud

National School Counseling Week 2023 is Feb. 6-10, 2023. This week celebrates the unique contribution of school counselors and the impact they can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career.
The 2023 theme for School Counselor Week is School Counselors: Helping Students Dream Big.
Stay tuned and feel free to give your favorite School Counselor a virtual applause!
#NSCW23 #waukeshaproud

The Waukesha Northstar Players will be presenting The Wedding Singer. Thursday, February 9, 10, & 11 at 7:00 PM, and Sunday, February 12 at 2:00 PM. Purchase your tickets online at: https://northstarplayers.ludus.com/

The West Orchestras would like to cordially invite you to join us at our seventh annual Valentine's Dance on Saturday, February 11th. Enjoy an Italian dinner prepared by the West Foods classes, try your luck at our silent auction and raffle, and dance the night away to some of the greatest love songs performed by the West Orchestras.
Tickets can be purchased at http://waukeshawesthsorchestra.betterworld.org/events/2023-valentines-dance
Doors open at 5:00 pm, dinner is served at 6:00 pm, and music begins at 6:30 pm.