⏰ Time’s ticking! Only a few weeks remain to submit a request for a project, program or educational tool that would enhance student learning. Looking for some inspiration or tips as you work on your application? Visit our website for all the details: https://bit.ly/WEFGrantInfo.
5 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Time is Ticking
We are at capacity and ticket sales for the 2025 Evening for Education are now closed! Thank you for your support! We look forward to a great evening! Event Attendees - watch your emails for event information coming this week. The Silent Auction will open for bidding on Thursday, March 13. You may bid from home---just register online! VISIT https://wefefe25.givesmart.com, text wefefe25 to 76278 #WEFEFE25
7 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
EFE Ticket Sales are now closed
LAST CALL! Ticket sales will CLOSE for our 2025 Evening for Education on early next week. While very few seats remain, we will still accommodate you if you order now! VISIT https://wefefe25.givesmart.com, text wefefe25 to 76278 or call 262 970-1143 for more info! #WEFEFE25
11 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
EFE 2025
Today, we announced our available grant dollars for our 2025 Grant Cycle. We will be awarding💥$58,000💥to School District of Waukesha educators in 2025! This is the LARGEST grant amount in organization's history & we say THANKS to all who made this possible. #WEFGrantsWork
13 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
$58K in grants this year
REMINDER - CLASS OF 2025: The Waukesha Education Foundation scholarship application window will close in ONE MONTH! Visit http://sdwone.us/wefscholarships to get started or complete your applications! The application closes at 11:59pm on THURSDAY, MARCH 20! #WEFScholarships
19 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Attend the event yourself, or sponsor an Honored Guest! Limited seats are available for our almost sold out Evening for Education event! VISIT https://wefefe25.givesmart.com, text wefefe25 to 76278 or call 262 970-1143 for more info! #WEFEFE25
21 days ago, Kelly Savelkoul
EFE Limited seats available
Coat Check and Table Decor sponsorships are available for our almost sold out Evening for Education event! VISIT https://wefefe25.givesmart.com, text wefefe25 to 76278 or call 262 970-1143 for more info! #WEFEFE25
21 days ago, Kelly Savelkoul
EFE Coat Check and Table Decor sponosorships available
Interested in getting involved? Reach out today! #strongcommunities
21 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Why Not You?
Limited sponsorships are available for our almost sold out Evening for Education event! VISIT https://wefefe25.givesmart.com, text wefefe25 to 76278 or call 262 970-1143 for more info! #WEFEFE25
21 days ago, Kelly Savelkoul
EFE Dinner Sponsor available
Limited sponsorships are available for our almost sold out Evening for Education event! VISIT https://wefefe25.givesmart.com, text wefefe25 to 76278 or call 262 970-1143 for more info! #WEFEFE25
22 days ago, Kelly Savelkoul
EFE Cheers Sponsor available
Limited sponsorships are available for our almost sold out Evening for Education event! VISIT https://wefefe25.givesmart.com, text wefefe25 to 76278 or call 262 970-1143 for more info! #WEFEFE25
22 days ago, Kelly Savelkoul
EFE AV Sponsorhip available
Tag a School District of Waukesha teacher, staff member or leader below or share this post to encourage them to apply for a grant! We’re looking for ideas that enhance the student learning experience. The application and more resources are found here: https://bit.ly/WEFGrantInfo.
22 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Apply for a Grant!
Thank you Lynnette for sharing your time & serving our WEF Board! We appreciate you! #WhyIServe #StrongCommunities
22 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Ticket sales are closing soon and we have room for 20 more guests. Buy your tickets today! #WEFEFE25 VISIT https://wefefe25.givesmart.com or text wefefe25 to 76278
23 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Limited tickets and sponsorships remain! Visit VISIT https://wefefe25.givesmart.com or text wefefe25 to 76278
A strong team needs a strong bench! Thank you to some key SDW Staff for always sharing your time to support our WEF Board! #StrongSchools #StrongCommunities
25 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
SDW Staff
We're looking for volunteers for our upcoming Evening for Education Event (3/18/25 at the Marriott-Waukesha) High school students--need volunteer hours? You are welcome to sign up! #WEFEFE25 Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B084BA5A62FA4F49-54229051-2025#/
26 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Help us say thank you to our 2025 Board of Directors! Thank you Matt for sharing your time & serving on our WEF Board! #WhyIServe #StrongCommunities
26 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Help us say thank you to our 2025 Board of Directors! Thank you Victor for sharing your time & serving on our WEF Board! #WhyIServe #StrongCommunities
27 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Help us say thank you to our 2025 Board of Directors! Thank you Wendy for sharing your time & serving on our WEF Board! #WhyIServe #StrongCommunities
28 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Help us say thank you to our 2025 Board of Directors! Thank you Margaret for sharing your time & serving on our WEF Board! #WhyIServe #StrongCommunities
29 days ago, Waukesha Education Foundation