Help support Project Grad at Club 400 in Waukesha the first Tuesday of the month.
about 1 month ago, Valerie Poser
Project Grad  Fundraiser
Are you ready for the ACT?? If not, and if you are feeling nervous about it, then we have an opportunity for you! This Monday, January 20 from 8:00-11:30, Waukesha North will be hosting a practice ACT test open to all 9th, 10th, and 11th graders! This is an off day of school, so no classes will be missed while you take this practice exam.
about 2 months ago, Valerie Poser
Practice ACT 2025
ACADEC is State Bound! Last Friday, Waukesha North's Academic Decathlon team participated in the Regional Competition at WCTC, competing against six other teams from SE Wisconsin. We're thrilled to announce that the Northstar Decathletes will be advancing to the State Competition in March. Six of our Decathletes won awards for various events at the Regional Competition. In the Honors Division: Aarav Maniar, 2nd place in Science, 3rd place in Economics, 3rd place in Mathematics In the Scholastic Division: Hailey Pociask, 1st place in Literature, 2nd place in Science Lily Pociask, 2nd place in Music In the Varsity Division: Juan Florez, 1st place in Social Science, 1st place in Interview, 2nd place in Speech, 3rd place in Mathematics Maddie Clancy, 2nd place in Interview Adrian Martig, 1st place in Literature, 2nd place in Science, 3rd place in Social Science Thanks to Waukesha North students, staff and parents for supporting and encouraging our team this season. We're so excited to represent North at State!
about 2 months ago, Valerie Poser
Classes resume from the Winter Break tomorrow (Thursday, January 2, 2025.) We look forward to seeing you all!
2 months ago, School District of Waukesha
Classes Resume
Congratulations to North's Athletic Administrative Assistant for receiving the Distinguished Service Award
3 months ago, Valerie Poser
Amber Kragenbrink
Congratulations to the Waukesha 2024 North Homecoming Court. (L to R) Adilyn Zwicky, Shaila Martinez, Samantha Gorr, Kaleigh Escobedo, Nellie DeMarco (Queen), Julian Maruri-Rocha (King), Braedon Metzger, Christopher Jara, Jesus Cervantes, and Connor Curtis (not pictured).
5 months ago, School District of Waukesha
NHS Hoco
Happy Custodian Appreciation Day!
5 months ago, School District of Waukesha
Happy Custodian Appreciation Day!
Last week the Classic 8 Conference schools gathered at the Oconomowoc Community Center to take part in a day full of leadership development and unity. Each school selected 12 student-leaders and two coaches, along with the athletic director to attend. This was the 3rd annual conference-wide event, and the impact of student-leaders improving and influencing their peers upon returning to school is significant for our school communities!
6 months ago, School District of Waukesha
Congratulations, Joey Cantrall! Joey is the Waukesha North High School, Class of 2024, Salutatorian. Joey will attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison, majoring in Finance and Statistics.
9 months ago, School District of Waukesha
Congratulations, Waukesha North High School, Class of 2024, Valedictorian Jackson Piacsek! Jackson will attend Hillsdale College in Michigan, majoring in Financial Management and playing golf for the Hillsdale Chargers.
9 months ago, School District of Waukesha
Jackson Piacsek
National Assistant Principals Week is here! From April 1 to 5, 2024, the School District of Waukesha will celebrate its excellent assistant principals. Mr. Schlei has been a familiar face in the halls at Waukesha North. Brian served as the Athletic Director/Assistant Principal for nine years and became the Assistant Principal in 2022.
11 months ago, School District of Waukesha
National Assistant Principals Week is here! From April 1 to 5, 2024, the School District of Waukesha will celebrate its excellent assistant principals. Christina Ali has been an Assistant Principal at Waukesha North High School for six years. She also co-facilitates Homecoming, Freshmen Welcome Day, and Student Government.
11 months ago, School District of Waukesha
On Wednesday evening, the Board of Education approved the new Assistant Principal/Athletic Director at Waukesha North High School. Eric Plitzuweit will join the North team beginning July 1, 2024! Mr. Plitzuweit comes to North after serving the past 15 years as the Assistant Principal/Athletic Director at Burlington High School. Before working in Burlington, he was a teacher and administrator in Rochester, Minnesota, and Twentynine Palms, California. Additionally, Eruc is currently the president-elect of the Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association (WADA) and serves on the WIAA Board of Control. He is also the WADA Communications Director, leading the organization's social media efforts and facilitating professional development for athletic directors statewide. Welcome to Waukesha, Eric!
12 months ago, School District of Waukesha
Summer School Registration opens March 20th at 9:00 a.m. Course guides are available on the district website. Visit
12 months ago, School District of Waukesha
Congratulations to the Waukesha West and Waukesha North App Development students! The Waukesha West students earned the top prizes, while two of our North groups earned "honorable mention" in the Winter Mobile Makers Contest! Kristin Kamenar teaches App Development at Waukesha North High School, and Brendan Egnarski at West High School. Bret Lemoine from Fox6 had the opportunity to visit with Mr. Egnarski and his students on Tuesday to learn more about this year's challenge. #waukeshaproud
12 months ago, School District of Waukesha
North App Team
The School District of Waukesha hosted its 16th annual Reality for approximately 400+ high school students at Waukesha County Technical College. This hands-on, interactive simulation was designed to give young people insights into the world of personal money management. The simulation begins with an overview provided by Educators Credit Union explaining why it is necessary to understand finances related to future planning and how their specially designed app works. Students are given their financial situation related to their anticipated career choice and their family dynamics, including income, taxes, and a credit score. Next, students enter the simulation room where they are faced with an array of choices and occurrences that they may face for a monthly budget, trying to make their money stretch to meet the demands of being an adult. Each station in the simulation room has volunteers from different industries available to explain what they should be considering and the impact their choice may have on their finances. This allows them to select their life decisions and have a real-time checking account balance available. The event is a real eye-opener for many students as it tests their ability to stay afloat and get ahead if possible. We are thankful to have a strong partner like Educators Credit Union that sees the need and value of a simulated personal financial planning exercise.
12 months ago, School District of Waukesha
SDW Reality Day
Celebrating School Counselors Week - February 5-9, 2024! #waukeshaproud #NSCW24
about 1 year ago, School District of Waukesha
#TBT Last year, the School District of Waukesha celebrated three of our excellent teachers who were recognized as Kohl Teacher Leaders (Kristin Cudzewicz, Allyson Gonzalez, and Allison Schamburek), as well as Tahereh DeLeon, who was a recipient of the Kohl Principal Leadership award. There is still time to get your nominations in for the 2024 Awards! Applications close on October 3, 2023. To nominate a teacher, visit: Or to nominate a principal, visit:
over 1 year ago, School District of Waukesha
TBT Kohl 23
Class of 2024 - Don't forget this evening is the presentation by UW-Milwaukee that will cover the financial aid process. Students and families from ALL of our High Schools are welcome to attend! #waukeshaproud
over 1 year ago, Elena Franz
Financial Aid Night
Today is a special observance day in Wisconsin. September 11, 2001, is a day that holds profound significance in our nation's history. We want to take a moment to remember and honor the lives that were lost and the indomitable spirit that emerged in the face of adversity. This day serves as a solemn occasion to pay tribute to the victims, survivors, and heroes such as law enforcement officers and firefighters who demonstrated unparalleled courage and unity during those challenging times.
over 1 year ago, School District of Waukesha
Never Forget
Nunca Te Olvides