Tell Someone

If you're struggling, it's okay to share your feelings. To start, you could copy one of these pre-written messages and send it to a trusted contact.

Reach Out at School:

When you get a chance can you contact me? I feel alone and suicidal and could use some support.

Contact a Loved One:

I don't want to die, but I don't know how to live. Talking with you may help me feel safe. Are you free to talk?

Express Your Feelings:

This is really hard for me to say, but I'm having dark thoughts, and it might help to talk. Are you free?

Check In:

I'm struggling right now and need to talk to someone — can we chat?

Make a Safety Plan

A safety plan is a prioritized list of coping strategies and sources of support. It can help you to identify what leads to your thoughts of suicide and how to feel better when you are having these thoughts. As a result, you can help yourself to stay safe.

Start here:

My Safety Plan logo

Quote: Stay Strong.


The School District of Waukesha (SDW) recognizes the connection between a student's health, wellbeing and their ability to learn. The SDW does not endorse any provider listed, its location, or evaluate the quality of service provided. Caregivers are encouraged to contact their health insurance provider to understand their benefits regarding services. The information contained herein is not intended to be a source of advice, or promotion of any specific organization, service agency or individual therapist.

If you are experiencing an emergency and need immediate help please call 911.