This just in! We only have 2 foursomes left before we meet our goal of 170 golfers! We also have just TWO major sponsorships left! Check out the remaining opportunities on our landing page OR check out the link to our google doc! Do you want IN? Don't delay! #WEFGolf2023
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Golf General 23
The 2023 Partners in Education event was well attended on Tuesday! View our recent news story to learn more & view pictures! #StrongSchools #StrongBusinesses #StrongCommunities
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
13 of our 51 scholarship recipients
6 of our 21 annual sponsors!
Do you have season tickets for the Brewers, Badgers, Bucks or Packers & have a game you can't attend? Consider donating them to our Foundation for use in one of our upcoming events ( Golf Outing (8/3/23) or Evening for Education (4/11/24)) Call our office! 262 970-1143
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
And last, but not least....congrats to Brandon Egnarski & Adam Quetsch from West High School on being 2023 Grant Winners! Their grant "eSports Expansion at West" was exciting and well thought over! #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
West HS
Congrats to Colleen Fleming at Waukesha STEM Academy-Saratoga on submitting a winning 2023 grant proposal for her project "Dollars and "Sense"" which focuses on real-world financial literacy. #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
STEM Saratoga
Congrats to Waukesha STEM Academy-Randall and Dan Pochinski, Lori Baier, and Randi Lesli on their winning 2023 grant proposal "STEM Flight Lab" This grant was partially funded by our partners at Generac Power Systems via our Classroom Connect program! Thank you! #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
STEM Flight Lab
Congrats to Christine Schmidt & Gina Nordrum ("Edible Designs") and Allison Schamburek ("Technology for Student Designers and Performances'), all from South High School, on their 2023 Grant Awards! #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Technology, South
Edible Designs, South
Congrats to Rose Glen Elementary and Melissa Theiler on being selected as a 2023 Grant Recipient for her winning proposal "Building Community Through a Classroom Pet" #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Rose Glen Theiler
Twice as nice! Congrats to Prairie Elementary Schools Emily Sowinski for submitting TWO winning grant proposals "Recess Revamp" and "Take A Walk On The Sensory Path" which will benefit students school wide. #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Recess Revamp Prairie
Sensory Path Prairie
North HS isn't done yet & we have PROOF! Congrats to Caryn Riederer for being selected as a 2023 grant winner for her project the "Proof is in the Bread" (See what we did there?) North HS submitted & won more grants that any other school in 2023. #WEFGrantsWork #HaveToEnterToWin
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
North Riederer
Cheers to the arts at North HS! Congrats to Emily Towner, Chad Zimmerman & Cristina Forecki on both their three individual AND collaborative funded grants--from cameras to clay with cricut cut vinyl templates and stencils to meshing art and welding. #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
North Arts Towner
North Arts Cameras
North Arts Zimmerman
Congratulations to Mollie Haubenschild & Erica Yoss on their 2023 funded grant "Farm To Classroom-Partnering Local Environmental Education programs with Culinary Education" which benefits North, South AND West High Schools #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
NSW Farm To Classroom
Congratulations to Amanda Shaske & Richelle Fueger of Meadowbrook Elementary School for being selected as 2023 Grant Recipients for their project "A KEY to PRECISION" #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Meadowbrook 2023
Congratulations to Jordan Fink, Molly Winters & Elizabeth O'Connor of Lowell Elementary School for winning a 2023 grant for their project "Revitalized Guided Reading Library" #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Lowell Grant
Congrats to Nancy Roncke, Wendy Liska & Kari Kratochwill for being 2023 Grant Winners for their project "Creativity Crawl." While this funding is earmarked for NEXT YEAR's event, you can check out THIS year's event this Wednesday from 4-6 in Downtown Waukesha! #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Creativity Crawl
Creativity Crawl Info
Creativity Crawl Flyer 4-6pm Downtown Waukesha
Congrats to Lisa Swaney, Alex Sheperd, Steve Diesso, Marshall Ward, & Kelly Suha (Horwitz DeRemer Planetarium) on winning 2 grants: "Who's Ready for Laser Camp" & "Sun's Out? Scope's Out!" Thanks to our partner Generac Power Systems for helping fund these projects #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Sun's Out? Scope's Out! Planetarium
planetarium -laser Camp
Congrats to Clair Mitchell, Tracy Dominiak & Amie Brooks for being selected for their collaborative grant "Strategic Readers with Movement, Mindfulness, and Mentors" benefitting students at Butler, Horning & Les Paul Middle Schools #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Middle School Grant Winners
Congrats to both Jonathon Hart ("Stepping into Fitness") & Rebecca Schultz ("Hillcrest Community Garden") for being selected as 2023 WEF Grant Recipients at Hillcrest Elementary School #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Congrats Jonathon Hart
Congrats Rebecca Schultz
Congrats to Sarahí Monterrey, Jessica Alfaro, & Devante Simmons for their grant funding for "Developing Leaders Through Hawthorne’s Girls’ & Boys’ Empowerment Groups" at Hawthorne Elementary School. #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Congrats to Hawthorne!
Congrats to Emma Koeppel & Susan Baumgartner from SDW Environmental Education for their 2023 Grant Award for "Accessibility & Inclusivity in Environmental Education" We are thrilled when our grants impact & improve educational opportunities for ALL students! #WEFGrantsWork
over 1 year ago, Waukesha Education Foundation
Congrats SDW Env Ed!